• My album is done. Now what?
Several days ago, I came home from work to a stack of boxes piled high in front of my door. My 1000 CDs had arrived from OasisCD. I was not elated. I simply sighed, resigning myself to the fact that I would have to carry them all up the stairs. There was no blog post.
It was not supposed to be this way.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m over the moon about having made my first album, it’s just that the whole process has been so fraught with errors of my own making and a slow but steady awakening to the realities of the music business today, that my joy, at this point, is pretty much counterbalanced by my sense of hopelessness.
I do not know what to do next. Obviously, I will release the album and I know my goal: to be heard. I don’t really care about making any money. Yet. I just want to know that this music that holds my heart and soul will hold more than just a few people’s attention. If only for the time it takes them to “needle hop” the album, to give it a chance. But how?
This is pathetic, really. I’ve been in advertising for 20 years, I’ve written campaigns that have run globally, I’ve come up with ideas that have changed the way companies think about what they do, I have debated with the CEOs of billion dollar corporations, but I do not know how to get the word out about my album.
Bob Lefsetz crows about the new musical landscape in which only great catches on. The days of mediocre ruling the roost are over. Not sure this is true, but I do agree that great music spreads. People share it. So if I can get my music into the hands of influential people (tastemakers famous and unknown) AND they like it, I should gain a bit of traction. Again, though, how?
Facebook? Twitter? Maybe. Jango, I guess. But is there a better way? A way I have not heard of? If anyone out there has ideas, please let me know. I’m plotting my release plan now, so I am ALL ears. Thank you in advance for any thinking you do on this!